Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6 Week follow up and missed the support group meeting

Well today was my 6 week follow up and they said I'm doing great, that i had pretty high weight loss compared to most of their patients for the first 6 weeks, so that's pretty cool. 
Oh tonight was suppose to be the monthly support group meeting, but unfortunately we had to skip it, because well we would have been stuck in Plano all day which is about an hour and a half away from where we live, its where my surgeon is and where the support group meeting is.  We went to lunch and then afterwards went to the mall to try to kill some time, had about 6 hours to kill till the support group meeting.  Well we tried to buy a bottle of water and they denied our debit card, and we're like what the hell, and we called the bank and found out we only had like 3 dollars or something in the bank,when last night i had checked and we had a little over 100, so we decided it was best to skip the support group meeting cause it would have put us at getting home after 10 pm and we couldn't have gone all day like that with no food or water, so we came home and checked our bank account and it was because of a bill i paid 2 weeks ago finally decided to take itself out, so that sucked really bad, we're paying that bill from now on in person, cause that's pretty ridiculous, it was the first time we had paid it through our online bill pay, and never again, i couldn't believe it, so yea luckily tomorrow is pay day, but it still sucks i had to miss the meeting, oh well, there's always next month. 
Monday i went to the gym and the pool was closed, so a 45 minute drive to find out the pool was closed was pretty dang annoying, but i was already planning on trying the elliptical that day, and i did, and i was able to do it for 15 minutes, which 60 pounds heavier i was only able to do it for 30 seconds and then my legs went into spasms, but this time i was able to do 15 minutes and was really wobbly went i got off, and wobbly for the rest of the day, and then the next day i woke up barely able to walk, today was a little better though, still a bit sore but not as bad, I'm still gonna try it again on Friday, tomorrow the pool is closed for cleaning so I'm not gonna drive all that way again just to do 15 min elliptical. 

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