Saturday, June 18, 2011

Stressed out and couldn't sleep any longer

Well I woke up at 7 am cause i couldn't sleep anymore, my usual is around 8:30 or later, so that's pretty early for me, uggg.  Yesterday was a pretty good day, Me and my stepson were dropped off at my in laws, and my mother in law took me and my stepson swimming, and to the movies, and to lunch on a lake, and to get yogurt at the mall, we had a lot of fun it was such a great day, but husband picks us up and as were driving home my cousin gives me a call....saying my great aunt wants to talk to me, that she's out of the hospital now and at home....I'm like ok, so when we get home I give her a call, and she's still pretty out of it from all the meds, and she was talking to me in Spanish, and i don't know Spanish and i told her and she told me "no I'm not" so i just said ok, so i didn't get much of the conversation, except the part where she wants me to go visit, now i was planning a trip in Oct/Nov time when my minivan will be paid off, and we'll be able to get the breaks and shocks fixed, and I'll have spending money, but she wants me to go now, with literally no money, every cent extra we have has been going to the minivan to get it paid off a year early.  She offered 300 dollars for me to go, but that wouldn't even cover the gas to drive more then 10 hours, and what about food and misc, i wanted to go on a trip with money and to be able to have fun, and yea i wanted to go visit my family too, but that's a long way to go with zero money and not even enough gas money, so what am i suppose to tell her, i just told her at the time I'd have to see, but how am i suppose to tell her that's not enough money, it sounds so rude, and uggg, i didn't even ask for any money but i know for  a fact i have zero money to go right now, and won't until my actual planned time to go, and yes she's very sick and might not be around anymore during my planned time to go, but that doesn't mean i can just scrounge up the money to go when i don't have any, we don't have a savings, we live paycheck to paycheck just like most of the country does.  I got so freaken stressed last night after all that, i called my cousin back asking her if she knew what that call was going to be about and she said she did, but thanks for not giving me any heads up, ugggg, i told her all about the call and told her there was no way i could do that, and i started hyperventilating a bit, felt my face get really hot, it was not fun i had to just stop and take a breath cause i was so stressed out.  She said she'll talk to them, hopefully be able to figure something out.  Otherwise as of right now there's just no way i can do it.  So I'll just wait and see what happens i guess. 

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