Friday, April 27, 2012

Picking up the Pieces

Well I've began to get my life back together, "picking up the pieces" of a broken me.  I've had some tough times the past 6 months, been heartbreaking and traumatic and painful, and numbing.  Now I'm finally able to get back on track, I've started working out again, I've been to the gym everyday this week, Mon, Tues, wed, Thurs.  I was sure on Monday that i was only going to be able to do max of 10 min on the elliptical and then be to worn out to do anymore....well 10 minutes goes by like a breeze, and i ended up doing 33 minutes and 2 miles, then Tues i did 40 min and 2.4 miles, wed i had a doc appointment and other things going on but still managed to get to the gym and had time to do 30 min and 1.6 miles, Thurs was the best, i was able to do 60 min 3.6 miles, i have never been able to do that much without taking breaks in between i was so proud of myself, and not one single day was i to sore or anything, i felt good, i did water aerobics/swimming after each workout and moved in the pool the entire time tried to be in the pool for 40 min to an hour each day, the day i had the doc appointment i was only able to do 20 min, but still moved my butt off in the pool.  Then after all that working out Monday and Thursday i still had energy to go grocery shopping and parked further away for that extra walk, and on Monday even ran back to my car, me running wow, that was really amazing, I'm going to have to start going to the park with my step son and we can run around the park together and my hubby will be left behind, poor babe he gets all upset when we leave him behind, so we try to slow down for him and then he'll cheat and take shortcuts....he's so bad.  The food is still a little bit of an issue, not eating as bad as i was when i was going through severe depression though so that's good, just eating a few to many high calorie snacks, i really have a weakness for peanut butter and chocolate, I don't eat any chewy or hard candies those hurt me alot, no skittles, lolly pops, star burst, twizzlers everything like that hurts inside my stomach, so i stay away from that stuff which is really good, but unfortunately chocolate goes down without a problem, but i try not to keep it in my house, the problem is i spend a lot of time at my mother in laws and she really loves her candy, so she's got a cookie jar type of thing filled with mini candy bars, i usually try to stay away but when I'm there the entire day they start calling my name, especially the Reece's cups, most of the other stuff i can avoid most of the time, but like i said peanut butter and chocolate are my weakness.
Well I've lost 4 pounds this week so I'm very happy, I can't wait to get into our new house, I'm going to make a healthy menu plan each week and hopefully follow it.  Plus I'll be making more of a routine schedule for my day to day activities including working out.  I have an elliptical at home and wii fit and tons of videos so some days i can work out at home and some days I'll go to the gym and right now is the best going to the gym cause they have an indoor pool which i love, its a bit of a drive about 40 minutes away or so, but its worth it for that indoor pool and plus when i go to the gym i try to "kill 2 or 3 birds with 1 stone" so I'll go to the gym and then go to a grocery store that's only in that area, Aldis for example they have some really good prices but the one around my gym is the closest to us, and also going to the movies or the mall after working out is great too the mall is like across the street from my gym so its perfect, some days i get dropped off at my mother in laws and we do a whole day together which I'm going to start adding the gym into our routine.  I can have my hubby drop me off at the gym and my mother in law can meet me there, and we can workout together or go swimming together, and then we usually have a nice day out where we go to the movies and lunch sometimes with other friends too which is nice, and then we just hang for a while and Tues and wed we have ham radio get together and wed pot luck at church, oh pot luck at church is going to be my cheat day cause they always have such good food, and i bring dessert typically since i live kinda far its hard to bring hot food, so i figure if i see a really neat dessert recipe that i want to try but i don't want to end up with so much at my house for us to eat its perfect to make it for the potluck and then i can only have a small amount and the rest gets eaten up for the  most part, so far I've had enough to save for my stepson for Fridays which he likes.
Well that's all i have for now, I'm going to try to start writing in this blog again on a regular basis.

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